Museum History

In February 2017 in  antique Moscow Turgenev-Botkin estate exhibition « Saved relics » opened a new museum of the Russian Military Historical Society — Museum of military uniforms.

The history of the preservation of military uniforms for future generations has received its Beginning in the times of Emperor Peter I. Peter I established « Shop samples » where military uniforms didn’t only Russian, but and foreign armies.

In 1868, Alexander II founded in St. Petersburg ‑ St. Petersburg Imperial Commandant Museum. The highest decree was ordered to collect both standard models of military uniforms, and experienced, experimental, in order to « preserve military uniforms » for history.

1868 year

After the 1917 revolution, the museum was closed, and exhibits, along with exhibits regimental museums were sent to storage in Peter and Paul fortress.

1917 year

Subsequently, the complete collection of the Imperial Quartermaster Museum was not  saved. Some of the items were donated to the Artillery Historical Museum Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, and part — in costume various theaters, film studios and in Central clothing department USSR Ministry of Defense.

In the research laboratory of the military uniform of the Central clothing department of the USSR Ministry of Defense collection items Imperial Quartermaster Museum used in as samples and were demonstrated, mainly to specialists.

Thanks to the full support of Anton Nikolayevich Gubankov, Director Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, from the Russian Museum, Soviet and foreign form of the Central Clothing Directorate The Ministry of Defense of Russia (Bakhchivanji settlement) in the end of 2015 to the Russian military-historical society was transferred for restoration and subsequent exhibiting about three hundred items of uniform and equipment Russian army of the period of the XVIII — XX centuries.

2015 year

More than a year by highly professional restorers leading Russian restoration organizations restored priceless rarities, and sometimes practically revived to appear before us in everything its splendor.

2019 year

The result of the tremendous work of restorers and museum specialists presented today in the new exhibition of the Museum of the Russian military uniform Military Historical Society, which opened its doors to visitors in December 2019 years.

The military uniform museum is located on  Bolshaya Nikitskaya street in classic the ensemble of the city estate Vasilchikovs, erected in the end of the XVIII — the beginning of the XIX century and & nbsp; restored in the 2019 year.

The estate has the status of an object of cultural heritage of federal significance and is located in run by the Russian Military Historical Society. Unique the museum complex is located on an area of more than 4000 m 2 , of of which 1,500 m 2  is reserved for exposure exhibition space.

4000 м2
The form XVIII–XXI centuries

In the new exhibition spaces of the Museum exhibits are presented, demonstrating the main stages, development features and military evolution forms of Russian, Workers 'and Peasants' Red, Soviet and modern Russian army.

Using original museum and exhibition solutions talks about transformations of a military uniform from spectacular 18th century forms simplified « folk style » samples of the end of the XIX century, to practical uniforms of the periods World War I WWII.

Unconditional interest will be aroused by latest samples forms of the Russian army, created in the 21st century with application the most advanced high technology.

Using original museum and exhibition solutions talks about transformations military uniform from the spectacular forms of the 18th century and simplified « folk style » samples of the late XIX century, to practical uniforms of the periods of the First World War and the Great Patriotic War war.

The unconditional interest will be caused by the latest examples of the form of the Russian armies created in 21st century with using the most modern high technology.